Bonds - Light It Up
Studio - Pixel
Role - Previs, Look Dev, Modelling, Lighting, Texturing, Rendering
Software - Cinema 4D, Octane, After Effects
My role was creating the 3D content that would be projected on the environment. The directors want to capture everything in camera so I had to provide content that matched the camera's perspective.
I also did previs for the whole commercial. I provided the directors with info on where the camera should be for each shot so the perspectives all lined up.

We wanted the 3D elements to have a sense of realism to them, so I ended up rendering everything with Octane.

To create the light box feel I modelled geo inside the objects that I would use as lights. I then added the red color in the 'Transmission' channel so you would see the light shine through. We then added animated textures to the light to get the flickering.